Friday, November 11, 2011

Ethics dates

Hello mates,

Our partner Patricia has just handed me some information.

She has gone to Gabriela's office, along with Eva and Olivia, and they have been told that the assignment for the second part of the subject is due to Dec. 16th.

We'll take the exam for 'Tuesdays with Morrie' on the 21st of November.

On Fridays (2nd, 9th and 16th) she will play some films, but we are not really required to attend them, only the ones interested in watching them.

So, that's all for now. Have a good weekend!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Slactions Congress 2011

There is going to be a congress on Nov 18th. It is both in English and Spanish, and has to do with Education.


Dance Conference

I have just read this e-mail from Gijs:

Dear all:

For all those interested in going to the conference on dance, it will take place tomorrow 
from 13.00 till 15.00 in the "Salón de Grados" of the "Edificio Departamental" (Vicálvaro).

Best regards,

This is from yesterday, so the conference will be today at 1pm.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


I have just been told that the assignments for the second part of the subject are due to December, 2nd.

That day we will have to attend her class, and we may have to attend her classes throughout December also. That is yet to confirm. As soon as we know anything I'll post it.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


These are today's notes for School Organisation:

School Org 11-8

Today, Paz-Albo has given an assignment he will post on the webCT discussions. Remember the act.4 page 83 is due to 10p.m.

Besides, Gabriela said she would not come to class. She has left the last assignment along with the chapters of the book we are to read for the second part of the semester in Reprografía. These are 458 and 459, 2,75€. In case you have any doubt, she is supposed to be in her office during class time, looking forward to answering any questions we may have.

I will update the calendar today or tomorrow in order to add the new dates for exams, essays, cases...

Monday, November 07, 2011


Today in Theory of Education, in regards of syllabus, we have watched the following videos:

We have taken the following notes:

Theory of Ed 11-07

In regards of Freedom Writers, we have taken these notes:

· Freedom Writers shows a teacher
-          Forging a theoretically informed battle against “traditional” educational practices.
-          Resisting
o   A traditional curriculum
o   Stale instructional methods
o   A passive bureaucracy
o   Stereotypes of inner-city youth (unteachable, at-risk teenagers)

And watched the following video:

We have a new Diary Entry Activity:

Diary Entry Activity 2

· Staying as the same character, now write an entry for:

- The day the students go to see the Holocaust Exhibition.

Remember we have a discussion of School Organisation due to tomorrow.

Follow Button

I have just added a follow-me-on-twitter button, so that you can notice via twitter everytime I post anything on the blog. I hope you find it useful.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Level of English complaint

Hello, mates.

I have just finished writing the complaint in a polite way, so that we can all sign it.

Let me know if you find anything wrong or awkward, or simply if you would change or add anything, ok?


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