Saturday, November 26, 2011

Notifications for Degree in Primary Education

Good evening, class.

Last Friday I e-mailed you via WebCT because I don't have all of your e-mail addresses and I wanted all of you to be aware of the problem with the assignment.

This e-mail is just to let you know I will no longer use the WebCT to get in touch with all of you, for I have an e-mail for that matter.

I know some of you have already done it before, so if that is your case, do not bother. I need everyone who has not done it yet, to send me an e-mail with the subject "E-mail" WRITING your e-mail address - the URJC Live webmail doesn't let me copy your e-mail address from the 'sender'.

So, this should be the message:

From: Richard Taylor Pleite
To: Richard Taylor Pleite
Subject: E-mail


My e-mail address is

It is up to you to use alumnos.urjc, hotmail, gmail... I do not mind. And it is also up to you whether to send me the e-mail or not, but if you do not send me the e-mail, do not expect to be up to date.

Besides, in future occasions, please pay attention to the information given. It is usually clear and concise, and if I am not, or you have a doubt about an entry on the blog, please post a comment so that I know which is the post you are referring to.

So, summarising: Send me an e-mail just as shown before - I will not add to the contact list anyone who does not do it that way-, pay attention to the details and please use the correct channel for different interactions.

Have a good weekend,

Richard Taylor

Friday, November 25, 2011


Hello mates, I will be in class from 3 o'clock until 3.10 to pick up the assignments. If no one comes (as far as we don't need to be in class until 5 for Social History of Education), I will go to Paz-Albo to tell him what I have already told him, which is that no one is going to be in class before 4.30. If you come and give me the assignments, I will hand them to him, but I will stay no longer than 3.15, for I have to be in Fuenlabrada at 4.30.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

School organisation Assignments

Hello mates,

I am sorry I haven't updated the blog today, but as far as there were no notes for today, and we are all aware of the assignment, I saw no need for it.

I have to tell you that there is a problem with the assignment. Jesús left Belén in charge of picking them up, but she has to work, and I sort-of work too tomorrow, so neither of us will attend classes tomorrow. I have e-mailed Jesús letting him know this, so I will try to update the blog tomorrow morning with further indications if given, but as far as we have no class with him tomorrow, and no teacher can expect class officers to be fully available, from one day to another, I don't think you will have to give the assignment tomorrow.

I will let you know any further information ASAP.

Multiple Intelligences Seminar

Hello, mates,

In order to make it easier for the teachers, I will need you to send me an e-mail if you're attending the seminar, in order to let the teacher know, regarding the attendance list.

If you are attending the Erasmus activity, do the same, but let me know you are attending the Erasmus activity instead of the M.I.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New stuff

Hi mates,

I have implemented new facilities on the blog.

I have placed buttons on the left side linked to the related sites, I have eliminated the Blogger bar from the top, I have added a sort-by-page tool at the bottom of the posts, I have added excerts, so that it doesn't show the whole article and takes less space, I have added a favicon image, and I have added a search engine at the bottom of the page, so if you want to find a specific post you just have to type it.

I hope you enjoy it.

Erasmus 2012/2013

2012/2013 (VICÁLVARO)
El día 30 de noviembre tendrás la oportunidad de conocer de primera mano toda la oferta de Movilidad para el curso 2012/13.
Feria de 12 a 16hrs. Hall del Aulario I, junto a la cafetería de alumnos.
Presentación: A las 13hrs en el Salón de Actos de la Biblioteca.
Tendrás la oportunidad de conocer todas las Universidades donde puedes hacer tu estancia ERASMUS o MUNDE y hablar con estudiantes Erasmus “IN” de algunas de esas universidades extranjeras que atenderán las mesas de sus respectivas universidades, así como con estudiantes URJC que hayan vivido una experiencia internacional Erasmus/Munde.
Más información:

Cartel Final42x60 Erasmus

20blogs Contest

Hello mates,

This blog is participating in a contest for 20minutos. I would ask you to, please, sign in for it and rate it with as many stars as you reckon it is worth. Voting will be from Dec 23rd until Feb 3rd.

Thanks a lot.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Student Association

Hello mates,

As I have told you before, and I will tell you tomorrow again, I am trying to create a new Student Association. It has to do with bilingual issues, and I have already thought of activities to develop, such as film showings, Erasmus conferences, fieldtrips (i.e. Gibraltar)... Also we should manage the complaints with it. It is a lot of work that we have ahead, but we are halfway there, because most of it is already done. I have already written the Estatutos and Reglamento de Régimen Interno. I have also collected all the paperwork needed and will be in charge of all the paperwork ahead, but I need associates. It is free, and only a little collaboration is needed. If you feel like lending a hand and contributing to this project, please e-mail me. It is really important because we are running out of time, for the term for creating new associations ends on December 15th.

Thanks in advance.


These are today's notes for School Organisation:

School ion 11-22

And we have taken this assignment:

The elements of Leadership . It is due to December 16th at 2.55PM.

For next class we need to read chapter 6 from Organisational Behaviour in Education.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Today in Theory of Education we have taken these notes:

Theory of Education11-21

Jesús has said that we have to send him an e-mail letting him know two dates we would like to do the presentation and the position (1st, 2nd, 3rd...).

He has also said something about next day, smartphone apps... I didn't pay so much attention, so if anyone knows what is it about, let me know and I will update the post.
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