Hello mates,
I have come across to some classmates who don't know what is going to happen about the presentations. Some said they can be moved to Wednesday so that we all have a free Friday, and Gijs seems ok with it, so comment on this post saying what you think about it, so that the groups presenting on Friday reach an agreement.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Today in School Organisation we have taken the following notes:
School 11 17
Jesús has told us he will be in charge of the class officer elections next Wednesday, and anyone who want to present his or her candidature has to prepare a speech for a debate.
School 11 17
Jesús has told us he will be in charge of the class officer elections next Wednesday, and anyone who want to present his or her candidature has to prepare a speech for a debate.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Today, just as we started the class, we have taken several 'random' test questions. These are taken from Pearson's Foundations of Teaching. I will later upload the sample chapter where he has taken them from. If anyone has access to the whole book, please share it so that we can draw an idea of how the exam will look like.
Besides, we have watched the following video:
THE POTTER by Josh Burton
Theory of Education 11-16
Besides, we have watched the following video:
THE POTTER by Josh Burton
- 0.46 The apprentice mimes his willingness to learn.
- 1.08 The apprentice wants to run before he can walk.
- 1.27 Subtle exasperation.
- 3.25 The potter breathes life into the clay
- 4.21 as does his apprentice.
- 4.30 clay has a mind of its own
And two or three more that I didn't get to copy.
He has said we need to read firstly chapter 11 from becoming a teacher and then chapter 10. Also the goals of the LOE.
Finally, these are the notes for today:
He has said we need to read firstly chapter 11 from becoming a teacher and then chapter 10. Also the goals of the LOE.
Finally, these are the notes for today:
Class Officer Elections
Good morning, class,
I have just received an e-mail from Marta Gómez, saying that the elections will take place on the 23rd. That is next Wednesday, so either Jesús Paz-Albo or Gijs will be in charge of signing the Acta. That means the elections will take place in either of their classes.
The class officer will also have a meeting with Marta Gómez on the 28th between 12 and 2 pm.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Emprender desde la universidad
Emprender desde la Universidad: De 5 a 8:20pm
“Si quieres asegurarte un empleo, Aprende a crearlo tú mismo”
“Si quieres asegurarte un empleo, Aprende a crearlo tú mismo”
Noviembre: 10 y 23/Enero: 17/Febrero: 9 y 23/Marzo: 8 (Cartel en el Blog)
Estas Jornadas son formativas por lo que para conseguir los créditos es necesario asistir todos los días.En caso de no poder asistir en alguna de las fechas, será necesario presentar un justificante. (El máx. de no asistencia sin justificante es 1 día solamente) y, si asistes al Seminario del 24 de Noviembre: Emprender y Deporte: La respuesta está en el viento, sirve como un día más de seminario, por lo que no os lo podéis perder 
0,75 Créditos ECTS
Information: http://www.viveroempresasvicalvaro.es/?page_id=406
These are today's Theory of Education notes:
Theory of Education 14-11-2011
There you have a better scheme of the Learning Taxonomy:
This is the video we have watched today:
We have to read Chapters 10 and 11, and bring the handout no. 11.1 on Wednesday.
There is an assignment also:
And a question:
10. Each of us is surrounded by influence. How does the following statement reflect the influence Eva grew up under?
"Nobody's innocent and if you take enough of the victories, you will win!".
Theory of Education 14-11-2011
There you have a better scheme of the Learning Taxonomy:
This is the video we have watched today:
We have to read Chapters 10 and 11, and bring the handout no. 11.1 on Wednesday.
There is an assignment also:
· Staying as the same character, now write and entry for:
- The day the students go to see the Holocaust Exhibition.
And a question:
10. Each of us is surrounded by influence. How does the following statement reflect the influence Eva grew up under?
"Nobody's innocent and if you take enough of the victories, you will win!".
First Complaint Response
Good morning, mates,
I have just received an e-mail from Mr. José Antonio Lobato, Jefe del Servicio de Gestión Académica y Alumnos, about the complaint.
He says that after checking the e-mail I sent with the Vicerrectora de Alumnos, Títulos Propios, Postgrado y Unidades Docentes Delegadas, if we don't agree with some of the terms of the procedures taken by the University, we can make a complaint through Registro.
The access to Degrees in English offered by the URJC are bound to a Prueba de Evaluación de Aptitud, just as established by the University, for it is considered that to enroll, the student must have certain skills. So the students were informed through the Requirements website. The performance of this Test has a price established by the Decreto de tasas y precios públicos.
As for the non-refoulement of these Tasas to people holding their own certificates, it is established that they have performed a process aimed to the validation of the required test, thus they are not to get the fees back according to current regulation.
So, during this week I will try to get the signatures from the late-enrolled and make the formal complaint.
Any of you who haven't signed yet, please come to class 102 on Monday at 2.55PM, 4.55 PM or 5.50 PM, Tuesday at 2.55 PM or 4.50 PM, and Wednesday or Thursday at 2.55 PM, 3.55 PM or 5.50 PM.
Jornadas sobre Pedagogía Sistémica
Hi class,
I have just received information about another activity related to our course. This one is going to be on the 26th.
This is the website I have been sent: http://www.baalya.es/2011/03/29/la-pedagogia-sistemica/
And this is the sheet:
I have just received information about another activity related to our course. This one is going to be on the 26th.
This is the website I have been sent: http://www.baalya.es/2011/03/29/la-pedagogia-sistemica/
And this is the sheet:
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Jornadas Educación URJC
Hi there, I got this e-mail from Marta Gómez about the upcoming "Jornadas de Educación URJC: Inteligencias Múltiples".
Some of you have received an invitation to an event in tuenti. It is just the same.
Some of you have received an invitation to an event in tuenti. It is just the same.
MÚLTIPLES EN LA EDUCACIÓNFecha y Lugar de Celebración 30 de noviembre de 2011
Salón de grados, edificio Departamental, Campus de Vicálvaro (Paseo de los Artilleros s/n, 28032 Madrid)Coordinadora PIEDAD TOLMOS RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑERO Presentación La aplicación de la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples desarrollada por el recientemente premiado “Príncipe de Asturias”, Howard Gadner, al ámbito de la Educación, está suponiendo una revolución cuyo objetivo es proponer un nuevo modelo de Escuela y Enseñanza. Esta Jornada realizará un estudio sobre la aplicación de la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples en el Aula, primero desde un punto de vista general, para luego particularizar en dos áreas de aprendizaje, las Matemáticas y el Inglés, y finalmente en un estudio sobre su implantación en un colegio de Madrid. Microsoft participará con una conferencia sobre las herramientas y Proyectos de innovación educativa que desde su empresa ponen a disposición de los docentes de Colegios e Institutos. Objetivos Promover un escenario de dialogo, formación e intercambio de experiencias desde todos los ámbitos de la educación, comenzando por esta primera Jornada sobre la aplicación de la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples al ámbito educativo.
Ayudar a difundir y formar en nuevas teorías educativas.
Posibilitar a nuestros alumnos el contacto con los centros docentes de los que en el futuro formarán parte.Programa 9.00-9.30: Recepción y entrega de documentación.
9:30-10:00: Introducción a la Primera Jornada de Educación: Las Inteligencias Múltiples en el ámbito educativo. Pilar Laguna, Decana de la Facultad de CC Jurídicas y Sociales de la URJC.
10:00-11:00 Conferencia inaugural. INTELIGENCIAS MÚLTIPLES EN EL AULA Núria Sanchéz, Profesional por los Institutos para el Desarrollo del Potencial Humano de Philadelphia (E.E.U.U) y miembro del equipo docente del Colegio Montserrat de Barcelona.
11:00-11:30 Descanso y café.
11:30-13:00 IM en Matemáticas: ENTUSIASMAT Olga Casaban, Silvia Xicoy Colegio Montserrat de Barcelona.
13:00-14:00 Tecnología al servicio de la Educación. Olvido Nicolás Melero,
Directora del Departamento de Educación de Microsoft España.
14:00-16:00 Comida
16:00-17:15 IM en la enseñanza del Inglés. María Angel Hernández Sala Directora Académica AMCO Iberia
17:15-18:30 Implantación del proyecto IM en el Colegio Montpellier de Madrid. Carlos Alcaraz, David Lara, Marta de la Rosa.Destinatarios Docentes (profesionales) de centros de Educación Primaria y Educación Infantil de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Alumnos de los Grados en Educación Infantil y Primaria de la URJC, y del Máster para la Formación del Profesorado.Información e Inscripciones e-mail a jornadas.educacionurjc@gmail.com con el asunto “Inscripción Jornadas IM” indicando:
Docentes: Nombre, DNI, Centro.
Alumnos: Nombre, DNI , Titulación a la que pertenece.Otra información adicional La inscripción en la jornada se hará por riguroso orden de inscripción.
Créditos Universitarios:- 0,5 ECTS (Grados)- 1 Crédito de Libre Elección (Licenciaturas y Diplomaturas).
Se entregará certificado de asistencia a todos los participantes.. . .