Friday, February 24, 2012


Con motivo de la X Semana Cultural de la URJC, Culturart’12
invitamos a Profesores, Personal de Administración y Servicios, Alumnos
y público en general a las siguientes actividades gratuitas:

EL CAPITÁN ALATRISTE EN APUROS. (Plaza Mayor, 27, Centro de Turismo de Madrid)
Visita teatralizada
Sábado 24 de marzo. 12:00 h.

REAL JARDÍN BOTÁNICO (Pl. Murillo 2, Madrid. Metro Atocha)

El taller de la Exposición Malaspina. Actividad padres con niños (de 7 a 11 años, principalmente)
Domingo 25 de marzo. 12:00 h.

Visita guiada al jardín y visita guiada a la Exposición Malaspina.
Miércoles 28 de marzo. 16.00h.

MUSEO NACIONAL CENTRO DE ARTE REINA SOFÍA  (Acceso por Edificio NouvelC/Ronda de Atocha)

La Arquitectura en carne y hueso
Visita guiada por el Prof. Fernando Lancho Alvarado
Lunes 26 de marzo. 17:00 h.

MUSEO SOROLLA (Gral. Martínez Campos, 37, Madrid. Metro Iglesia, Rubén Darío, o Gregorio Marañón)

Ven a la casa del artista, visita el Museo Sorolla,
Visita guiada por la Prof. Mª Luisa Menéndez Robles
Martes 27 de marzo. 17:30 h. (1ª visita) o 18:45 h. (2ª visita). Duración 1 hora.

Para solicitar vuestra inscripción (máximo 2 personas por solicitud o 4 en el caso del Taller), podéis enviar la solicitud adjunta rellena a

Debido a que los grupos que formemos han de estar compuestos por un número limitado de personas,
se asignarán las plazas por estricto orden de solicitud.

Esperamos que sea de vuestro interés
Un saludo

Psychology complaint delivery

The results of the probe show that more than a 90% of the people who showed enough interest to answer a simple question agree with the text in the complaint.

I will try to reach the degree coordinator during the weekend, only to check what has been said in class. You, and everyone else who is aware of everything that has happened so lately in regards of the messages delivered by the teacher, should understand that some of us don't trust completely the word of the teacher anymore, so that is the reason for checking with the degree coordinator.

Depending on what she says, we shall, or not, deliver the complaint on Monday.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Aula 2012 Opening

Today I have been to Aula, as a visitor, with the 50% off ticket.

I have asked in every stand and got a lot of information about how other universities offer our degree, either the bilingual way or the Spanish one.

We have been visited by our dear Lucía Figar, Education Counsellor, Álvarez del Manzano, former mayor, and Princess Elena.

Besides the aches, it has been a productive and interesting visit. I came across the rector, Mr. Pedro González-Trevijano, and introduced myself as soon as he was done with the official talking. I told him we are having some trouble with the bilingual degrees and he told me if I called his office tomorrow I would have an appointment with the vice rector scheduled for next week, which is great.

And I have even written an article for Kampussia! After which they have offered me to collaborate with them, writing for La U, which is published in 55 campus all over Spain and has a run of 127,000 copies!

In regards of Aula itself, in case you want to pop by either one of these mornings or through the weekend, I have been collecting everything I was given in order to make a list of what you can get for that 1.50€.

Looks like I will go back on Saturday and/or Sunday, though on Sunday it'll be open only until 2 p.m.

Social Psychology of Education: New Teacher

Hello mates,

Most of you were in class and may know this better than I do, but I have learnt that Marina has decided to resign due to the pressure of the situation. We will soon have a new teacher whom I hope will be extremely professional and will not let the situation affect him in a bad way, 'making us pay' for others' mistakes...

I need to point out the fact that the complaint applying for a teacher change has NOT been delivered, and there is no point in arguing about whether you agree or disagree with the measure taken, since it has not been our call.

I hope I can share further information tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

First complaint delivered

Hello fellas,

Inés has delivered the level-of-English complaint today, addressed to Vicerrector de Profesorado, Defensor Universitario and Vicedecano de alumnos, you can download the copy here:

I am already working on the rest of complaints, and will upload them asap.


Today in Audiovisual Communication we have watched the following videos:

AULA 2012

Hello mates,

As many of you already know, AULA will take place this week, and some of us have decided to attend in order to give alternative information, since the informatio available for our degree on URJC's website lacks of truth. If anyone wants to come, AULA will be from Wednesday through Sunday this week. Here you go a map for the place:

And a discount ticket. You will have to print both sides, just in case:

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