Thursday, March 01, 2012


Today in Sociology of Education, the teacher has said that we have to send an e-mail to Inés in order to let her know the members of each group for the last task (topic 6) before next Thursday. Then we have been correcting the assignment we were given two weeks ago.

In Social Psychology of Education we have met the new teacher. He has explained he will follow the guidelines given and has started explaining Topic 4. We have answered the following questions in class and handed them to him:

1. What is the difference between Psychology and Social Psychology?
2. What is the difference between stereotype and prejudice?
3. Explain with your own words the meaning of "social identity".
4. What is fundamental attribution error?

Registro Complaint

If any of you are fed up with all the procedure required in Registro and not being able to know the actual protocol to be followed, you just have to download the following complaint form, fill it with your personal information and deliver it there.

IV Concurso de diseño TalentosDesign'12

Hay 5 categorías: Diseño, Grafico,
Espacios, Digital y Producto
Si resultas ganador, puedes conseguir 5.000 euros

MI certificates

The organisation has sent the following e-mail. I will post on the calendar the dates in which you may pick the certificates in Vicálvaro:

Os informamos de que ya están disponibles los certificados de asistencia a la "I jornada de Educación en la URJC: Las inteligencias Múltiples en la Educación” para aquéll@s alumn@s que presentaron el justificante de pago y asistieron
Las personas que asistieron a dicho seminario podéis pasar a recogerlos en las siguientes fechas y campus:
Campus de Móstoles: Lunes 5 y 12 de marzo a las 11.00 de la mañana. Laboratorio 3, despacho 003.
Campus de Fuenlabrada: Miércoles 14 de marzo de 16.30 a 17.00. 
Campus de Vicálvaro: Jueves 15 y 22 de marzo dede 11.00 a 14.00 y de 15.00 a 16.00.  Edificio departamental, despacho 074.
En caso de no poder venir a recogerlos en las fechas propuestas, se podrán recoger en el campus de Vicálvaro los  jueves 29 de marzo y 12 de abril  a las 12.00 de la mañana. Edificio departamental despacho 076.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Couple of things

There are a couple of things I wanted to share. Firstly, these were the answers for Audiovisual communication exam:

Besides, ITCs' teacher said that she would take into account those people who use Audacity (mentioning it would be enough) in their final work. You can download it here:

Sociology Task 6

Since some of you are experiencing trouble opening Task no.6 I have uploaded it:

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mentions VII

You can download here the mentions offered by Universitat Rovira i Virgili:

Mentions VI

You can download here the mentions given by Universitat de Vic:

Mentions V

You can download here the program for Grado en Educación Primaria by Universidad Complutense de Madrid:

Mentions IV

You can download here the BOE for Grado en Educación Primaria in Universidad Autónoma de Madrid:

Mentions III

You can download here the list of mentions given by Universidad de Burgos:

Mentions II

You can download here the list of mentions given by Universidad de León:

Mentions I

You can download here the list of mentions given by Universidad de Salamanca:

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