Friday, December 16, 2011


Hi there,

Remember, those who want to get higher grades in Ethics, you need to come to class at 3 p.m. today, in order to hand in the assignment.

As I have said before, Gabriela told me she would come to pick them up, play some videos and say farewell. Is she finally coming? Never know. Still, try to attend and do not forget bringing the assignment.

Also remember there will be SHE presentations today.

See you in class!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rw: Important Fact of the Spanish Independence War

Our classmate Javier Horcajada has sent us an e-mail pointing out that from then [The Spanish Independence War] on the Iberian Peninsula is officially known as SPAIN, which is not int the presentation, but it is quite remarkable.

Charles III

This is the PowerPoint Presentation for Charles III

Monday, December 12, 2011

History Exam

Hello mates,

You do not need to panic. Eloy has explained today how the exam will be organised.

It will be just as the previous exam. The only difference will be regarding the presentations. He will place some questions about them, but they will be more centred on the presentation itself, rather than the content.

So the exam will have three different types of questions:

1. Short questions, alike the ones about The Courts.

2. Short questions about the presentations.

3. One of the three texts.

Those are going to be the different questions in the exams. I hope it is clear enough. In case it is not, please leave a comment.

Charles III

As promised, I am posting the scripts I requested you as they arrive. The first one is from Patricia Baños' team. This is Charles III


These are the notes for today in Theory of Education.

Jesús has given an assignment (due to tomorrow at 10 p.m., and needs to be uploaded by the first member of each team):


· It was developed to assist an off-task student with his/her personal responsibility in the classroom.

1. Discuss the form in small groups and to determine its possible uses in their classrooms.
2. Design a classroom managemente plan with four rules, four consequences, and four rewards.

There is also another assignment, related to the last part of "Freedom Writers":


14. Why does Miep Gies say this?

             · What qualities make a 'hero'?

             · Who is the 'hero' of the film?
             · Are the qualities that make a real-life hero different from a film hero?

This might be nothing, or it could be a discussion. Never know...

More transcribed presentations.

Our classmate María has just handed me a few more transcribed presentations:


Habsburgs in the XVIth Century

The Catholic Kings

Spain in America


Good morning,

In order to speed up the blog (for many of you have had troubles with loading the page), I have disabled the embedded pdfs and presentations, and I have introduced a Page shortening link for each.

Don't panic, you only have to wait 5 seconds or so, and then you have to click on the top-right button 'Saltar Publicidad', and it will directly show you the page.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Transcribed presentations

Hi there,

Our dear Ana has transcribed some of the presentations into word. You can download them from here:

The War of Spanish Sucession

The Spanish Independence War

The dictatorship of Franco

The dictatorship of Franco

Here you go the slide presentation (I reckon this is the last one).

The War of Spanish Sucession

Here you go the slide presentation

The 80 years war

Hello mates,

I am afraid some of you are having trouble entering the blog. This is due to the embedded presentations, from now on I will only embed documents if the post is long enough to hide them with the excerpt. Documents shared in shorter posts will no longer be embedded, but linked.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

BTW, this is the presentation speech for The 80 years war (Slides were just a bunch of maps, so I hand you the speech).
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