That's right mates,
I have been told so this morning by a classmate, so I have immediately sent an e-mail to Marta Gómez (Coordinadora de Grado) asking if it was true and if so, which is the real qualification we get after four years.
She has answered in a very short lapse of time, it is to say, that the fact that we study in English is going to prepare and qualificate us better for teaching, above all else in bilingual schools. Attending to private schools, they will probably assess it, but for public schools, a language enabling will be required, even though it will not be difficult for us after four years of practice. Then she has handed me the link to the 'master' we would need to take, which is this one.
After this information I have told her I would let the class know and hence gather in assembly to discuss what measures and by what means are to be taken, for I understand we will mainly agree this is completely unfair.
So she answered back and told me that we are entitled to discuss whatever we want, but the degree does not enable, but prepare us better for the language enabling, remarking it is not a decission of the University, but regulated at the regional level (again we face our dear Esperanza Aguirre...).
I will try to gather information about it, about how we can complain and everything, but even though it will take long, it is something we cannot simply take. Enough of draining the fucking blood out of us already!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Blood Donation
You can give blood today and tomorrow in Vicálvaro. Today it is from 4.30 to 9.00 pm, and tomorrow will be from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.
I must remind you the basic conditions on blood giving. These are:
- You must be over 18.
- Weight 50kg or more.
- Be healthy (you shouldn't even have a cold)
- Having eaten something before giving blood.
- Not taking pills the previous two days.
- Not to have given blood the previous 3 months, or more than 3 times in the last year.
Edit: Sorry I didn't say where it was going to be, but I had no clue. When we finished classes I saw there is a bus belonging to the Red Cross parked just beside the tube station entrance.
Edit: Sorry I didn't say where it was going to be, but I had no clue. When we finished classes I saw there is a bus belonging to the Red Cross parked just beside the tube station entrance.
I must let you know that there are urbanchecks (formerly familychecks) at the library and the 'Departamental' building.
For those who don't know what these are, I must tell you they are discounts checks for several places, such as: Burger King, BrasayLeña, Ribs, Parque de Atracciones, Dunkin' Coffee, Faunia, il Tempietto, Zoo Aquarium, Parque Warner or Cine Box, among others.
So, if you want to get discounts to do anything this coming November, just take a walk to any of the two buildings and grab a urbancheck.
Edit: for further information you can check the website:
For those who don't know what these are, I must tell you they are discounts checks for several places, such as: Burger King, BrasayLeña, Ribs, Parque de Atracciones, Dunkin' Coffee, Faunia, il Tempietto, Zoo Aquarium, Parque Warner or Cine Box, among others.
So, if you want to get discounts to do anything this coming November, just take a walk to any of the two buildings and grab a urbancheck.
Edit: for further information you can check the website:
Curso de Experto en Estudios Asiáticos:Geopolítica,Historia,Cultura,Mercados emergentes,comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales
I have just found another cours some of you may be interested in:
Curso de Experto en Estudios Asiáticos:Geopolítica,Historia,Cultura,Mercados emergentes,comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales
Organizado por el Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Cámara de Comercio de Madrid e Instituto de Formación Empresarial (IFE)
Instituto de Formación Empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid
C/ Pedro Salinas, 11 28043 Madrid
Tel.: 91 538 38 38 Fax: 91 538 38 36
Autobuses: Línea 9, 11, 53, 70, 72, 73 y 120
Metro: Línea 4, estaciones Arturo Soria y Avda. de la Paz
156 horas lectivas, 30 créditos ECTS
Los alumnos que superen todos los requisitos establecidos para la evaluación, junto con la asistencia
mínima del 80 % de las clases, recibirán el diploma “Curso Experto en Estudios Asiaticos” correspondiente al Título Propio de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y la Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Madrid.
Director: Luis Palacios Bañuelos, Catedrático y Director del Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos.
Coordinador: Felipe R. Debasa Navalpotro (URJC).
Coordinador: David Dormido Canto (COCIM-IFE).
Secretario: Carlos Pulpillo Leiva (URJC).
El equipo docente estará integrado por catedráticos, profesores de universidad y expertos en los contenidos
del Curso tanto de la administración como de la empresa privada.
Los responsables del curso serán profesores doctores del Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos. Por otro lado, también habrá profesores extraordinarios como Juan Velarde (economista),
Ramón Tamames (economista), Sebastián Erice (ex-embajador de España en China), Jon Sistiaga
(periodista) Sun Xintiang (Universidad de Pekín)…
Las personas interesadas deberán cumplimentar el impreso normalizado de solicitud de admisión y entregarlo en la secretaría del IFE, antes del 11 de noviembre, adjuntando:
• 2 fotografías tamaño carnet.
• Fotocopia del DNI o Pasaporte.
• Curriculum Vitae.
• Acreditación de la Titulación Universitaria.
El precio es de 1.600 €. Se abonarán 700 euros en concepto de matrícula y el resto en tres mensualidades
de 300 euros durante la primera semana de cada mes, sede diciembre 2011 a febrero 2012.
Del 14 de noviembre de 2011 al 24 de mayo de 2012.
Lunes a jueves, de 19:00 a 22:00 h.
• Profesionales que quieran aportar a sus conocimientos una perspectiva asiática académica y rigurosa.
• Estudiantes que busquen especializarse en países asiáticos con el fin de encontrar nuevas oportunidades.
• Cooperantes que quieran desarrollar su trabajo en el continente asiático.
• Personas que quieran adentrarse en las milenarias culturas asiáticas y conocer el presente de lo
que sucede en esta parte del mundo.
Curso de Experto en Estudios Asiáticos:Geopolítica,Historia,Cultura,Mercados emergentes,comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales
Organizado por el Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Cámara de Comercio de Madrid e Instituto de Formación Empresarial (IFE)
Instituto de Formación Empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid
C/ Pedro Salinas, 11 28043 Madrid
Tel.: 91 538 38 38 Fax: 91 538 38 36
Autobuses: Línea 9, 11, 53, 70, 72, 73 y 120
Metro: Línea 4, estaciones Arturo Soria y Avda. de la Paz
156 horas lectivas, 30 créditos ECTS
Los alumnos que superen todos los requisitos establecidos para la evaluación, junto con la asistencia
mínima del 80 % de las clases, recibirán el diploma “Curso Experto en Estudios Asiaticos” correspondiente al Título Propio de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y la Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Madrid.
Director: Luis Palacios Bañuelos, Catedrático y Director del Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos.
Coordinador: Felipe R. Debasa Navalpotro (URJC).
Coordinador: David Dormido Canto (COCIM-IFE).
Secretario: Carlos Pulpillo Leiva (URJC).
El equipo docente estará integrado por catedráticos, profesores de universidad y expertos en los contenidos
del Curso tanto de la administración como de la empresa privada.
Los responsables del curso serán profesores doctores del Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos. Por otro lado, también habrá profesores extraordinarios como Juan Velarde (economista),
Ramón Tamames (economista), Sebastián Erice (ex-embajador de España en China), Jon Sistiaga
(periodista) Sun Xintiang (Universidad de Pekín)…
Las personas interesadas deberán cumplimentar el impreso normalizado de solicitud de admisión y entregarlo en la secretaría del IFE, antes del 11 de noviembre, adjuntando:
• 2 fotografías tamaño carnet.
• Fotocopia del DNI o Pasaporte.
• Curriculum Vitae.
• Acreditación de la Titulación Universitaria.
El precio es de 1.600 €. Se abonarán 700 euros en concepto de matrícula y el resto en tres mensualidades
de 300 euros durante la primera semana de cada mes, sede diciembre 2011 a febrero 2012.
Del 14 de noviembre de 2011 al 24 de mayo de 2012.
Lunes a jueves, de 19:00 a 22:00 h.
• Profesionales que quieran aportar a sus conocimientos una perspectiva asiática académica y rigurosa.
• Estudiantes que busquen especializarse en países asiáticos con el fin de encontrar nuevas oportunidades.
• Cooperantes que quieran desarrollar su trabajo en el continente asiático.
• Personas que quieran adentrarse en las milenarias culturas asiáticas y conocer el presente de lo
que sucede en esta parte del mundo.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Hello class,
I just want to remind you that Jesús said yesterday today's exam is not like yesterday's, but even though, I would still carry a pencil...
Besides, Diego and Javi, from 2nd year, they want us to sign the following complain:
So, I've told them I would write it in two ways. One in order for all of us to sign it - as I see it, we cannot sign that, as far as we aren't getting any lessons in Spanish yet, so it would not be fair for our teachers. The other one is in order to all of the bilingual degrees to sign it.
So now, you have the information and you can do what you want, but I am to remind you that when you sign, you get attatched to what you sign, this is, that you are complaining, among many other right things, that you are receiving lessons in Spanish, and that is wrong. So, it is up to you. I will come up with a version for both courses next wednesday, so if you want to wait it will be ok, but they want to do it immediately, so if anyone wants to sign, he or she will have to stay at the end of the class and speak to the class officer for 2nd year.
I just want to remind you that Jesús said yesterday today's exam is not like yesterday's, but even though, I would still carry a pencil...
Besides, Diego and Javi, from 2nd year, they want us to sign the following complain:
So, I've told them I would write it in two ways. One in order for all of us to sign it - as I see it, we cannot sign that, as far as we aren't getting any lessons in Spanish yet, so it would not be fair for our teachers. The other one is in order to all of the bilingual degrees to sign it.
So now, you have the information and you can do what you want, but I am to remind you that when you sign, you get attatched to what you sign, this is, that you are complaining, among many other right things, that you are receiving lessons in Spanish, and that is wrong. So, it is up to you. I will come up with a version for both courses next wednesday, so if you want to wait it will be ok, but they want to do it immediately, so if anyone wants to sign, he or she will have to stay at the end of the class and speak to the class officer for 2nd year.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Today in School Organization we have watched the following videos:
We have also watched a piece of the film: 'Glory Road'.
Jesús Paz-Albo has told us to read article 27 (Spanish Constitution) and also has told us we need to start reading chapters 1, 2, and 4 from Organization of the School System by next week.
Remember to bring a pencil tomorrow for the exam. My guess is it's going to be the same format that psychological tests or surveys, in which you need to mark the correct answer but it doesn't let you correct it by crossing it, but erasing it.
We have also watched a piece of the film: 'Glory Road'.
Jesús Paz-Albo has told us to read article 27 (Spanish Constitution) and also has told us we need to start reading chapters 1, 2, and 4 from Organization of the School System by next week.
Remember to bring a pencil tomorrow for the exam. My guess is it's going to be the same format that psychological tests or surveys, in which you need to mark the correct answer but it doesn't let you correct it by crossing it, but erasing it.
Today in Theory of Education we have watched the following videos:
Jesús Paz-Albo has also sent an assignment for the groups (already available on the WebCT) about the film we have started watching today (The Butterfly Circus):
1. How do you think Will felt when he was part of the sideshow in the first circus?
2. In the film, Will showed away in Mr. Méndez's Butterfly Circus. What differences did Will discover between both circuses?
3. In what ways did some of the other circus performers change when they joined The Butterfly Circus? Why?
4. What effect did it have on Will?
5. How did Will change after he joined the circus?
6. In what way did Will begin to positively affect the lives of others?
Jesús Paz-Albo has also sent an assignment for the groups (already available on the WebCT) about the film we have started watching today (The Butterfly Circus):
1. How do you think Will felt when he was part of the sideshow in the first circus?
2. In the film, Will showed away in Mr. Méndez's Butterfly Circus. What differences did Will discover between both circuses?
3. In what ways did some of the other circus performers change when they joined The Butterfly Circus? Why?
4. What effect did it have on Will?
5. How did Will change after he joined the circus?
6. In what way did Will begin to positively affect the lives of others?
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Ethics Final Change
Good Morning, class.
Sorry for not updating, but I've been down in bed with a virus and still am.
What has finally happened is that Gijs wants to organize some dancing lessons rewarded with credits and a certificate, so he is going to use Gabriela's Friday lessons for that, so in November what we are going to do is we have 2 hours on Tuesdays but we still have 3 hours on Fridays, because we would take Social History of Education on Fridays 5-6 pm.
That's for November, but as far as Gabriela said in class that Gijs may use her classes whenever he needed, I have spoken to him and we have agreed that in December we won't have to come on Fridays, because we are finally moving our classes to Tuesdays.