That's right mates,
I have been told so this morning by a classmate, so I have immediately sent an e-mail to Marta Gómez (Coordinadora de Grado) asking if it was true and if so, which is the real qualification we get after four years.
She has answered in a very short lapse of time, it is to say, that the fact that we study in English is going to prepare and qualificate us better for teaching, above all else in bilingual schools. Attending to private schools, they will probably assess it, but for public schools, a language enabling will be required, even though it will not be difficult for us after four years of practice. Then she has handed me the link to the 'master' we would need to take, which is this one.
After this information I have told her I would let the class know and hence gather in assembly to discuss what measures and by what means are to be taken, for I understand we will mainly agree this is completely unfair.
So she answered back and told me that we are entitled to discuss whatever we want, but the degree does not enable, but prepare us better for the language enabling, remarking it is not a decission of the University, but regulated at the regional level (again we face our dear Esperanza Aguirre...).
I will try to gather information about it, about how we can complain and everything, but even though it will take long, it is something we cannot simply take. Enough of draining the fucking blood out of us already!
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