Saturday, October 01, 2011

Organizational Behaviour in Education

Here you go this book, courtesy of María Gallego:

7 habits of Highly effective teenagers

I'm so sorry the previous link for this book didn't actually work properly. I had to compile it again, but used Acrobat this time, so it should work fine. Try to download it and let me know if there's anything wrong:

Collecting signatures

As most of you know, because I told you in class, I am trying wether to get a certificate for the level test we had to take back in July, which was 81,68 euros, or get that money back.

When I went to the CUI they told me it was a mandatory access test, such as the one for Bellas Artes, so my viewpoint here is: if it is mandatory for a PUBLIC university, it simply should be free. So I've been collecting signatures, and will keep doing it, to claim for either the certificate or the money for the ones that had to take the exam, and an immediate refund of the money for those who proved their level via certificate, who also had to pay that amount of many in case they had to take the exam.

I will list the names of the people who have already signed bellow, so that, in case you happen not to have signed at all, and you're interested in either getting a certificate or your money back, you just come to me in class and ask me for the signing list.

New calendar

It seems that you weren't able to see any further dates on the embedded calendar on the right, so I have embedded a larger one, right at the bottom of the page, where you can move from one month to another and see further assignments and exam dates. I hope you enjoy it.


Today we have watched a film for ethics. There will be an assignment for it, and Mark, has shared the questions with us. These are:

1. By doing a little research, locate in time the North American military intervention in Afghanistan and research the main reasons why the war started.
2. Do the same with the North American Intervention in Irak.
3. Describe separately the 3 stories developed in the movie.
4. According to you, which of these 3 stories takes the most relevant role?
5. What are the things that impressed you the most in the movie?
6. Why do you think terrorism exists?
7. Do you think that western countries should fight terrorism by attacking other countries?
8. Do you think that Robert Redford's character had a responsibility in the students' decision of going to war?
9. What is your opinion about the student Robert Redford's character selects from the crowd? Be very descriptive.
10. Do you think it was his duty to talk to the students in that way?
11. Describe his position towards students, life and war. 

Thanks, Mark.

Friday, September 30, 2011


I've just added a calendar on the right side of the page, so that we can check what's coming up. There I'll try to keep assignments, exams, etc., up to date. Try to click on it and tell me if it works and if you can see further than it shows in the first place.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Certificate for English Test

As some of you are aware, I have been trying to get a certificate for the English Level Test we were forced to take back in July.

I'll tell you my story in the first place.

For a start, I am a British citizen, with a passport to prove it, therefore, I find forcing me to pay over 80€ for a test anyone can tell I don't need, really unsuitable. So I thought: Well, as far as I've had to pay and I don't have any certificates to prove my Engilsh without saying a word, I have the right to get one from University - I need to explain that people with certificates didn't need to take the exam, besides, previous year fellas didn't have to take it either.

So I went to the CUI (Centro Universitario de Idiomas) to apply for it, and they've had me moving around unsuccessfully. Last move has been this morning, when I've called and they've told me I wasn't to get any certificate, because that was just a level test in order to get access to the degree. I say this is horseshit. If it proves I have some mastery in English, then certificate it. Otherwise give me my money back.

Finally I've asked what should be the procedure to claim it or simply complain, and they have told me I need to go to Registro, and that is just what I'm about to do next week.

My question is, who would support and join me, hence we all try and get it?

Book list problem

I am sorry to tell you that there has been a problem with the whole e-mail system, so all e-mails I had before have been wiped out.

Now it looks to be almost solved, although I still cannot read any of the messages I used to have, therefore I must ask you to re-send me any e-mail you sent to me about the text books if it was before 9.00 a.m. 09/28/2011.

This is the only way I can be fair about giving the books. You'll have until tonight (09/29/2011) at 11 p.m. to re-mail me or mail me for the first time. I'll set up another meeting with the class officer tomorrow and give him the list of people, who I will have answered before, so make sure after I text you, that you show up with the money to buy the books to their owners, unless told otherwise.


Today we only have one assignment for Theory of Education. We have to answer the Case Studies' questions we've already answered in class, but we have to do it in groups and upload it to the webCT within two weeks.

Besides, he has unlocked the 'leadership in movies 3' assignment, along with the one he gave on Tuesday, about how would your perfect school look like, and all that. Both of these assignments are for School Organization.

Also remember to bring case studies #4 to class on Thursday.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Text books

As I've been posting before, I'm in touch with Diego Bernal, 2nd-year class officer, in order to get the books we need. Barely anyone has written to me regarding that subject so far, so I'll post the list he's sent me.

In case anyone wants to order a book, you will have to send me an e-mail to my uni address (I remind you it is before noon tomorrow. You need to type "Text books" as subject and let me know which one(s) you want.

There are very few copies of them, so in case someone is to miss a book, I'll decide it regarding the time you've sent me the e-mail.

Hoping everything is understood and clear, here I leave the list of books, with prices and #copies:

-The Prime os Miss Brodie
   Película   20?  1 ejemplar
   Libro      10?  7 ejemplares
   Fotocopias  5?  3 ejemplares

-Tuesdays with Morrie
   Libro      10?  3 ejemplares
   Fotocopias  5?  3 ejemplares

-Matilda  (Recuerdo que habías encontrado la versión digital liberada, pero es por si 
alguien prefiere el libro original)
   Libro      10?  6 ejemplares

-Becoming a teacher:
   Libro      25?  3 ejemplares
   Fotocopias 10?  6 ejemplares

The Pursuit to Happiness

This is the film we are about to start watching in School Organization. Sorry there are no subs, but it's unlikely to find it with subs. If any of you finds it, post a comment and I'll just embed it right away. Enjoy it:


First of all, I'd like to aim this straight. I believe I should write the posts in English, as far as it concerns a bilingual degree and we have classmates who don't speak Spanish, it should be the right thing to do. I hope you all understand and keep interested despite this.

We have an assignment for Paz-Albo's School Organization. We have to answer the following questions via WebCT:

1. How do you envision what a school should be like?
2. What really should be going on in such a school?
3. How would you describe an effective school to others?
4. What values and beliefs about learning in schools do you think are very important to address?
5. What vision do you have for a really effective school?

In Deontology, Grabriela has reminded us that we need to go to the Departamental building on Friday, and also told us we need to print out and bring to class Kiplin's "If" on Tuesday, along with the assignments appointed for that Tuesday.

Edit: Here's the video we've seen in class about not getting along with the headmaster or something like that:


Hoy Paz-Albo nos ha puesto el siguiente vídeo:

Ha dicho que imprimamos la hoja de Team member evaluation y que leamos el Case Study (p.33)

Tenemos que contestar a las preguntas sobre Freedom Writers:

1. What impact does the 'environment' have on the learning process?
2. "A school is like a city and a city is like a prison" (No sé realmente qué quiere que contestemos aquí, pero hay que contestar).
3. What was the immediate and then long-term impact on the climate of the class?

Tampoco sé cuándo hay que contestar a las preguntas, ya que acabo de mirar el campus virtual y no hay ninguna entrada donde subirlo, supongo que nos lo irá diciendo.

Y, por último, Eloy ha fijado la fecha para el primer examen de Historia: 27 de octubre.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The 7 habits of Highly effective teens

Por fin puedo compartir con vosotros el libro, que me lo he bajado por torrent y resulta que era una carpeta con 290 JPGs descolocados, así que llevo todo el día para ordenarlos, renombrarlos, convertirlos, compilarlos y subirlos... T.T

Espero que os sirva:

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